"adventurous joyful sociable sensitive passionate independent dynamic confident funny"
Q: How does your favorite day/evening looks like? What do you enjoy doing?
Oh, I like this question :) And I know what this day looks like, I have had a lot of such days in my life. The morning of my ideal day will definitely be calm and unhurried. I love cooking breakfast for myself, cooking breakfast shapes your mood for the whole day. Mostly I prepare oatmeal with different sweet or not sweet fillers. On my ideal day my family will be present, and when I say my family, then my friends are here too :), and we spend time together. For me, my family plays a very big role in life, they bring a lot of smiles and happiness to my life, and let me feel their love every day. Without their love, I would not be who I am. Further, it does not matter how I will spend this day. It will be either at the sea when it’s hot, or in a cold winter it would be a fun or calm day in a cozy house. My day is ideal once I have a delicious breakfast and my family near me.
Q: If you could travel in time, what time would you like to live in and why?If I could travel in time, I would travel to many different times. I would visit ancient times because I wonder how people lived then. I would like to see dinosaurs (just need to make sure that they do not harm me). I would like to travel to the Middle Ages and see the beauty of the ladies who lived then and the politeness of the knights. But I am sure that in the end I would remain in my own time to live. Because everything that has been in the past we can read in books, and all that will be in the future we will only learn after when we come there.
Q: If you could be an animal which one would you be and why?
If I could turn into an animal, then I would definitely be a cat. These are the most curious animals to me. There’s no other creature that knows how to enjoy such a big love and at the same time be independent. There’s no other creature that can be simultaneously mild and warm and have such character! So yes, I would definitely be a cat."I think it's sexy and very hot, too hot sometimes to remain calm :)"
Q: Do you enjoy roleplay and why?All that I can say about this is yes!! I love role-playing games and I enjoy it every time I do it. Also, for me there is a great fun in spending some shows in different roles because I think it's sexy and very hot, too hot sometimes to remain calm :) It gives me the opportunity to be a small naughty schoolgirl, who should get punishment for unfinished homework. Or to be a young inexperienced maid that you need to teach how to do her job correctly. Each of these games makes me fantasize about the hottest and seductive things. So yes yes! I love it.
Q: Do you recall the strangest/funniest request you ever received while online? Did you do it?
I understand and even am interested in variety of fetishes, and some that I tried are funny too. The strangest request for me personally was my first acquaintance with an incontinence fetish. Wearing diapers under my short skirt felt strange. It was a new experience."... the moment when I first touched his penis ooh yes, it was unforgettable!"
Q: Would you mind sharing at what age you had sex for the first time?
My first sex happened quite funny when I was only 16 years old. It was a guy I loved for a long time, but I would not say that we had a serious relationship. It was like just first love - very bright and not too serious. That evening I was in the village of my grandmother and he came there so that we could spend time together. It was already dark enough on the street and we walked along the river in my village. There were high bushes, quiet water and the moonlight, and no one could see us. It was a big temptation.. Can I tell it in the details? He kissed me so hot, that it was difficult for me to breathe, he whispered to my ear that I should not make suspicious sounds and it was quite funny. He was ready when I unbuttoned the buttons on his pants and the moment when I first touched his penis ooh yes, it was unforgettable! What happened next I can tell you in person if you visit me, I prefer not to disclose the details here :) But I can say that it is still one of the best memories I have.
Q: Would you rather live forever or die tomorrow? I can definitely say that I would live forever. I very much love my life and I'm not ready to finish it so sharply. I would like to live again and again if it was possible. I prefer to think that after death, every person is born into a new life to live it again. Perhaps the universe gives this man the opportunity to correct his mistakes of the past life or learn some lessons. It is a pity that no one remembers his last life, it would probably be cool. Or not? Thanks for this question. I just thought about how beautiful and full my life is right now!Q: What was the last gift you gave someone?
The last gift that I gave someone was a framed photo of a light tree for a new apartment of my friend Anna. She finally decided to move to the city from a little village and I thought that it would be very good to hold her, give her some confidence. and this was a very special gift, symbolizing the beginning of a new life for her and her child.
Q: What do you want to be known for?
I would like to become famous in the design and manufacture of clothes. I would like my name to be remembered when people would talk about the best design of clothes and at Milan Fashion Week. This is one of the biggest dreams in my life and this is one of the reasons that led me here. I'm sure that it will happen."You are what makes me go online with great pleasure every day"
Q: Is there something else you would like to tell your fans?
I would just like to thank each of my friends here for the way you are with me! I am very grateful for your attention for me and for how you kind and sincere you are to me. It's important for me. You are what makes me go online with great pleasure every day because I know it will be time with you. Thank you.
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